
Digital signage is one of the most widely used forms of advertising today, The technology, also called dynamic signage, is a specialized form of casting in which video or multimedia content is displayed in public places for informational or advertising purposes. A digital sign usually consists of a computer or playback device connected to a large, bright digital screen such as an LCD or plasma display.

Digital signage is used in department stores, schools, libraries, office buildings, medical facilities, airports, train and bus stations, banks, auto dealerships and other public v​enues.

There are several advantages to the use of digital signs rather than banners and traditional signs. They are environmentally friendly, easier to update remotely, more powerful as they can mix animation and audio technology.

COMUTRACK is a pioneer putting together system-integrated solutions with the use of IPTV and various multimedia sources. We have integrated this technology in projects using internet-of-things functions, such as traffic signage and various applications in the hospitality sector.


COMUTRACK offers Digital Signage systems for different commercial advertising & public guidance media including:

  • Streets & Highways

  • Airports and Seaports

  • Commercial Molls

  • Hotels

  • Exhibition areas

  • Museums

